Happy New Year!  2016 is here with promise of new opportunities for each of us.  If you are like many people who have resolved to eat better, clean up your diet, take better care of yourself, lose a few pounds and have more energy these 3 words can help you to stay on track.

These simple guidelines can be applied to any food eating plan you are following.

  1. Quality:  Our bodies are being bombarded on a daily basis with toxins in our environment, drinking water, chemicals in cleaning and body care products and more.  When you are shopping for food to nourish and support your body always purchase the best quality your can afford.  Organic, local, pasture raised, free of chemicals, preservatives, poor quality fats, toxins, whole foods first- (skip the processed package foods).  You will be taking a big step in helping your body to function better.

2. Quantity: It’s time to slow down and pay attention when you are eating.  When you eat your meals in a relaxed state, sitting down and focused on the experience of fully chewing, tasting and savoring it is easier to recognize when you are satiated.  Stuffing our bodies with too much, no mater how great the ingredients can cause problems with metabolism, weight fluctuations, digestion and more.  Slow down  and your body will tell you when it’s had enough.

3. Consistency: Holidays and vacations can sabotage our health in so many ways- (and of course they are also filled with fun, connection and relaxation).  Skipping meals, eating late at night, lack of sleep,  eating larger portions, consuming too much sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and other foods that may not be a regular part of our healthy eating plan.  Find a eating & nourishment plan that works for you and stick to it.  Our bodies thrive on consistent support; exercise that is appropriate for your age/health, relaxation, balanced meals, regular meal schedules and  positive encouragement from it’s owner-  That is  YOU!  Don’t beat yourself up when you fall of track, recognize  and look at what is happening and move forward.  The promise of a New Year is here, each and every day- enjoy it.