What I wish for you is a holiday season that is nourishing and joyful. I understand that this time of year can be especially stressful and difficult for many people. Many of my clients are just waiting for it to be over so they can get back to their routine. I understand completely. I have struggled with the overwhelm and anxiety that often shows up this time of year. This year, however, I have so many more helpful and supportive tools to use.

Here are my top 5 non-negotiables. I hope you find something that helps you as well.

1. Eat well balanced and healthy meals
It may come as no surprise that sticking to a regular meal schedule is important. Irregularly skipping meals, fueling up on caffeine, sugar and junk food can send you into a downward spiral.  These types of foods are a huge stress on your immune system and void of any nutrition.  It’s no wonder so many of us start the new year sick and tired. Avoid eating too much, especially late at night.  If you’re attending late-night social gatherings and parties, eat a little snack before you go.  A cup of vegetable soup or bone broth with healthy fats is a great choice. It’s easy on your digestion, hydrating and nutritious, especially if you’re making it yourself. Including daily probiotics can also be helpful in keeping your digestion working. Instead of eating out more often, eat-in and invite your friends and family to cook with you.

2. Keep hydrated
Excess sugar, stress, indoor heat and nutrient-deficient foods (e.g. chips, crackers, cookies, party food) are very dehydrating. Make it a habit to sip on clean water throughout the day. If you live in a colder climate, sip warm water. Fancy up your water to give it a little immune and flavor boost. Add in some crushed berries, fresh-squeezed citrus juice, a few drops of your favorite essential oils (make sure they are safe to take internally), or warm spices and herbs. I love a bit of crushed fresh and juicy tart cranberries and lime juice. Cranberries are rich in phytonutrients with antioxidant properties and particularly helpful if you have urinary tract infections. Buy a few bags of organic cranberries and keep them in your freezer.

3. Stick to your routine
Don’t let this busy time of year throw you off from all those new healthy habits you’ve added into your life.  Regular exercise and working to reduce daily stress is a practice.  Maybe your go-to is a regular run, daily walks, yoga class, journaling, breathing, or meditation practice.  In the past these were the first things to go when I was feeling overwhelmed and busy. When you make the space and time for self-care you can show up more grounded and present to enjoy this beautiful time of year.

4. Simplify
Sometimes going over the top is not in your or your loved one’s best interests. More decorations, more food, more gatherings, and more presents can set your life spinning into a broke and overwhelmed space. Really think about what is important to you, not just what is expected. Maybe it’s the little traditions that you cherish; making homemade cookies with your family, taking an early morning walk through the woods,  sipping a cup of warm cocoa all cozied up in your snuggly PJs, reaching out and calling friends you don’t get to see often, or volunteering in your local community. Making homemade gifts to share is a little tradition that I love. Here is one of the food gifts I’m giving out this year – it’s easy to make too! Get rid of the things that seem like a chore and make some new and nourishing traditions.

5. Be grateful
Whatever is happening in your life right now, there is always something to be grateful for. Change the way you see your life from disappointment & frustration  to  possibility.   Adopting a regular gratitude practice can help you to focus your attention on the good in your life.  If you or someone you know is struggling with depression and thoughts of suicide, please reach out for help. Those who’ve experienced a big loss, divorce, youth, LGBTQ+, the homeless and disaster survivors are some of the most vulnerable in our communities. Don’t hesitate to call or contact https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org, 1-800-273-8255. You can reach someone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Give the gift of your attention, listening, and care. We could all use more love in our lives.

Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season and new year.

With love & graditude,
